Thursday, September 16, 2010

Everything's bigger in Texas...except my love life

This past week I was in Texas for a trade-show and had very high hopes of setting the town ablaze. During my last business trip out to California, I met this great guy who showed me all the local hot-spots and wined & dined me. I guess I had grandeur dreams of this trip being similar. No such luck.

One would think that it would be easy as pie to get a date with the crowd I was rolling with. The girl to guy ratio at the show was probably 50 to 1. The majority of the guys at the show were married, but there was a decent showing of guys sans wedding ring. Not to brag, but normally during these shows I get asked out by at least one guy. And guys typically come up to my booth and talk to me.

This time around little to none of said events occurred. The show floor was less crowded than usual, but still! I mean a few guys would pass by and say hello or stop by for a quick chat, but nothing that would ever suggest them taking me out. Did I have "desperate" written on my face or something?

One guy did stop by and give me an invitation to a sponsored party later that night, which meant free booze and an opportunity to maybe meet someone. He wasn't half bad and definitely considered him a prospect. Either way I was going to go if for no other reason than to go sailing with the captain on someone else's dime.

Fast forward to the party: I didn't run into him until the end of the night and when I did, he said "hey, I'm going to play air hockey!" Ummm, you do that. And hanging out with my much older bosses the majority of the  night probably wasn't helping.

It's definitely safe to say that the most action I got in Texas was at the airport. I was felt up and searched by TSA because clearly I look like a terrorist.

Oh well, maybe next time.

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